I think that this project was the most successful because it just looks most like what I intended to do. I feel like it just was well executed. The color looks good, it wasn't too much it too little. I really like how the color pencils showed detail and help bring out important things like the grass. I also like how the body kind of looks like a sombrero, and a donkey body. The process was easy and smooth, I just love color pencils and I love animals so it was easy to find a reference and a medium.the paper was kind of split in half because it just looked better and it was part if the subject.

both of theses were really fun and combining them with using oil pastels really kicked off the fun. i really like drawing so the wrapper gave me a chance to improve my skills with the wrinkles. i dont think i like this piece very much as a drawing but i did like the experience. overall it was exciting know that this would improve my skills. i dont feel like i needed anymore instruction than given but the success was on my part and was my fault. this projects looks were completely up to me i feel. but the instructions were thoroughly applied.
my favorite medium was the colored pencils. i really liked them because they are easy to use and they are easy to control and takes my creativity to the next level ...or the level i want it at. i really like doing it because not only is it easy to use but it looks really good. i think thats why i like my donkey drawing so much b/c it was colored pencils. i think light colors are my favorite to work with because the shadowing is just a darker or lighter version of the color.
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